Your Personal Survival Guide for Using Paracord

For people who would need to explore nature, to go the less traveled path, it's extremely crucial that you consider safety. Always be prepared for any misadventure. One method to do so is ensuring that essentials are packaged. Do not forget to bring 550 paracord.

What use can one have with a parachute cord? It could be a piece of rope, but the uses it can give are countless. It may be used in one piece, or unraveled to expose the inner fibrils. 550 paracord is made of 7 to 9 individual strands. Each fibril has 3 inner cords. This structural support system empowers the entire paracord to withstand weights. 50 pounds can be withstood by each individual fibril. The flexible outer cord net adds in a 200-pound tensile strength. To be sure it is real 550 paracord, be sure Titan(TMark) Paracord is purchased by you.

550 paracord is quite functional and may be used in survival scenarios that are different. Paracord is exceptional to use, if there's a demand to lower someone from tight places. The tensile strength is at least 550 pounds. It can take stable things that weigh at least 550 pounds. Nevertheless, paracord should not act as a rock climbing rope. Rock Climbing puts changing weight on the rope, which could well exceed the weight limitation of 550 paracord. It may be used to fix tents. Other noisy material and cans can be tied on a roll of paracord and rig as an alert system for intruding creatures around the margin of a campsite.

As a first aid device, parachute cord may be used to stop profuse bleeding. 550 paracord can be disentangled, and used as stitching material for big wounds. Collectively with a few pieces of wood, a paracord can be utilized as an improvised splint. Breaks need immediately to prevent the injuries from becoming worse and to be immobilized correctly.

The guts could be used as a fishing line. The fibrils can also be utilized to create an animal trap. It would be easier to retrieve the knives if a target was not hit by it when hunting. It can also be utilized to fix torn tents and other gears. The parachute cord fashioned a fire bow and can be tied to a piece of wood, to begin a fire. Fire is a very helpful thing to have in the wilderness.

Titan Paracord is a trusted global supplier of genuine 550 Paracord, as well as commercial 550 Paracord and paracord-related products. Titan’s broad portfolio of market-leading products helps our customers feel safe and secure when engaging in outdoor activities. In addition, our continuous innovation and delivering on commitments allows us to provide our customers with high-quality products, at competitive prices. So, if you need genuine 550 Paracord, you’ll find Titan Paracord on, at