Is Fish Oil Bad For You? Two Successful Tales That Cause Medical Backlash

Fish oil items have always been related to good health. Among the essential components of fish oil is omega-3, a fatty acid responsible for keeping your heart healthy, reduces the effects of aging, assists prevent certain forms of cancer and boost brain power and capability. But what if I told you that omega-3 in fish oil could not just improve your life, it could save it as well? Herein is not just one, but two tales of exactly how omega-3 can save lives.

Fish oil was used to treat a disastrous brain injury in 2006, in the case of Randal McCloy, the sole survivor of a mine tragedy in West Virginia. McCloy, aged 26 at the time, was caught in a mine for 41 hours while the air around him and 12 other miners filled with toxic methane and carbon monoxide. By the time he was drawn from underground, he had had a cardiac arrest, was in liver and kidney failure and had a collapsed lung, according to his doctors. His brain was also filled with damage from the carbon monoxide and methane. There was quite little the doctors could do to stem the tide of swelling and cell death in his brain when McCloy was stabilized.

The doctors on McCloy's team, nonetheless, resisted the "wait and see" course typical in these sorts of cases and started an unorthodox treatment routine, including hyperbaric oxygen treatments and high dosages of fish oil. The reason for the presence of fish oil in the treatment was due to the aspect that the human brain, which itself is a fatty mass, is about 30 % composed of omega-3 fatty acids. In theory, high dosages of omega-3 fatty acids, because they mirror what is currently in the brain, might assist in the brain's own natural healing process. Less than 3 weeks after the mine tragedy, McCloy was coming out from his coma. Another 3 months after that and he was already talking and walking.

Another regrettable occurrence, which involved a 17-year-old man in a car crash, was reversed by this unorthodox omega-3 treatment. Bobby Ghassemi, now 20, was in serious condition after an unfortunate automobile accident. Using the experience they had with dealing with McCloy, Bobby's doctors managed to not just spare his life, but it also assisted him recover fast enough to attend his highschool graduation 3 months soon after. His parents and doctors thought that the high dosage of omega-3 in his treatment routine was the factor for his survival.

What do these two remarkable tales really say about omega-3 as a possible treatment for traumatic brain injury? In the meantime, they are just tales with omega-3 as a common denominator. Due to the possible effects of omega-3 in brain health that has actually stemmed from these two successes, however, several studies are currently being made relating to conditions such as stroke, Parkinson's condition and early-onset Alzheimer's.

Though omega-3 is still just viewed as an experimental treatment, the health and wellness benefits of omega-3 and omega-3 items, such as PLATINUM Series Fish Oil Omega 3, are unassailable. Whenever you take a fish oil pill, just keep in mind: the omega-3 in that capsule can one day save your life.

In connection to these cases, for a limited time, PacificCoast NutriLabs is offering their PLATINUM Series Fish Oil Omega 3 for 50% off. You can get the rebate by utilizing promo code: HUGEDEAL at checkout on Amazon here: