Asparagus Cures Cancer

I received an interesting email recently claiming that asparagus may be used to cure cancer. I am a strong believer that our diets have an effect on our wellbeing and our bodies. Given the proper things our systems can combat many diseases and attacks. So the concept of asparagus healing cancer really piqued my curiosity.

Asparagus cures cancer is the claim made in an email that has been circulating online since 2006. It claims to draw its data from an article titled “Asparagus for Cancer” printed in the Cancer News Journal in December 1979. A copy of this article hasn't been found. Neither has any information on that article’s authority, Richard R Vensal, D. D. S or even the unnamed biochemist that wrote the e-mail ever been found.

The American Institute for Cancer Research affirms“No such article has been published in peer-reviewed research journals and our Internet searches uncovered no information on the origin of the article or the doctor.” But states that “Asparagus can be a valuable part of a diet that reduces cancer risk.”

What we all know about Asparagus is that it is high in glutathione, a detoxifying compound that helps break down carcinogens along with harmful compounds like free radicals. This is why eating asparagus may help protect against and combat some forms of cancer. Asparagus is loaded with antioxidants, which help to reduce the effects of cell-damaging free radicals. It's a good source of fiber, folate, vitamins A, C, E and K, and also chromium, a trace mineral that enhances the ability of insulin to transport glucose from the bloodstream directly into cells.

The Cancer Tutor Website which is closely affiliated with the Independent Cancer Research Foundation Inc (ICRF) includes the employment of Asparagus (for those people not on blood thinners) included in their Ultimate Simple Protocol for Cancer Stage IV. The asparagus therapy requires that you cook asparagus, puree it in the blender and eat 4 tablespoons twice per day. To preserve time, several days’ worth could be cooked and pureed at once. Daily portions could be frozen in each cube in the Acuisina King Sized Ice Trays that holds eight tablespoons (half a cup). Pureed asparagus can also be used as infant food.

Whether you consume your asparagus pureed, steamed, roasted or grilled, it is good for you. Nonetheless, Jacob Schor, ND, FABNO in his article “Will Asparagus Cure Cancer? ” on the blog from the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP), “Physicians Who Listen”, claims “While there is little reason to think that asparagus will cure cancer, there is good reason to think that asparagus may make some cancers, in particular acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), worse.”

If you are healthy and do not have any health conditions or take any drugs, eating asparagus frequently can be part of a well-balanced diet regime that helps decrease your risk of cancer. Nonetheless, if you've got cancer, are taking any drugs or have any health issues, it is always advisable to check with your doctor before implementing any alternative or supplemental kinds of treatment or making huge changes in what you eat.