ignou dec 2015 result

Cafeterias and restaurants are important in university campuses. The largest Cafeteria of the university designed for use by staff, students and visitors is generally the most visited component of a university. It is also a place where students and faculty can take their visitors for a brief coffee break or a lunch hour visit. A well-designed Central cafeteria, housed perhaps in the student center adds to functional efficiency of the university. For here, the lunch hour can be combined with a visit to the bank, post office and the book store along with a friendly exchange of words with colleagues, fellow students, visitors, staff and faculty who may be visiting the same building at the same time. Universities where such centers are not common would do well to plan for it on their campuses.

As mentioned, the ideal location for the central cafeteria of a university is the student center. The student center building containing the cafeteria, along with the administration building can easily be designed as the two largest buildings on a university campus because of their central and essential functions. Both of these buildings need to be accessed from the academic departments as well as by outsiders and vehicles. Therefore, their placement in the university in conjunction with parking areas and the university boulevard has to be incorporated in the master plan. The best location for a student center on a campus is a location close to the administration building but towards the student residential area. It must also be close to the University Boulevard and Visitors Parking area. The building needs to be surrounded by lawns and gardens containing benches for sitting.(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

ignou dec 2015 result