Zombies and Syphilis - A Myth to Explain a Disease?

Zombies have long been a fascination for Americans. From Night of the Living Useless to the Going for walks Useless to obat untuk sipilis Dawn of the Lifeless, to Jane Austen and Zombies to Zombie Apocalypse, the zombie subculture is "alive" and kicking it in the millennium. Zombies have infiltrated almost everything from movies to books to video games, cocktails, cartoons, and bands. Every Oct, Zombie Crawls are celebrated as men and women costume up as zombies in purchase to shuffle and stagger their way from bar to bar to drink zombies. This zombie image phenomenon is not limited to Halloween. This spring, a 5K charity run is scheduled in which the runners have the added incentive to cross the finish line rapidly as they will be chased by-you guessed it-zombies.