Fasting is not reason to lose the stamina

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By bert dell 3028 days ago

The absence of the intake of food and drink for 12 hours is more likely to affect the performance of the body and brain. And certainly, hunger and thirst will come. The hunger will usually appear about 3-4 hours after the last meal times. And hunger will increase along with the increase of time.

When hungry, the stomach is definitely going growling. But not only that the effect of hunger on the body. Fasting can affect mood due to changes in food intake changed from a normal day. And when coupled with the reduced hours of rest, stress could possibly stalking you.

Change Happens In Body When Fasting
When fasting, your diet will trigger the body to adapt to changes in food intake. Reduced food intake into the body will trigger some changes in your metabolism:

    In normal circumstances, the body's main source of energy obtained from blood sugar (glucose). When glucose supplies run out, then the glycogen into second energy source for the body. At the time of fasting, the body does not receive food intake for long hours. This causes the body to use fat as an alternate energy source when glucose and glycogen has been used up.
    The burning of fat as an alternate energy source causing weight loss and cholesterol levels of the body.
    According to one study, the amount of fatty tissue that little was allegedly associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. In addition, it is also associated with a decrease in cell resistance to insulin. That is, the cells become more sensitive to insulin so that the signals given blood sugar more easily get into cells to provide energy.

Compared with when not fasting, the organs in the body to change the function:

    The liver acts as the main controller body to provide backup energy during fasting, namely the liver releases sugar from storage in the liver.
    Decreased stomach acid production during fasting
    The gall bladder bile thicken in preparation for the arrival of food.
    During fasting, the pancreas resist insulin production. The pancreas also releases hormones that tell the liver and muscles to release sugar stores. In addition, the production of digestive enzymes amylase, lipase, and trypsin reduced.
    When fasting, the movement (contraction) of the small intestine is reduced from typically be about once every four hours.

If not prepared properly, there may be several possible health problems during fasting, such as dehydration, headaches, stress, heartburn, or heartburn (dyspepsia), and constipation. This may degrade the performance of logic and stamina in carrying out daily activities.

so that the effects described above is not a barrier activity and your fasting, there are many ways to stay fit and performance stamina logic continue to work properly when fasting. Here are the tips:

    Keep your intake

So that fasting does not interfere with your daily activities, supply of energy in the body is very important. This is achieved by not skip meals and breaking. Each has a different function. Sahur serves to provide energy during fasting, while breaking serve to restore lost energy during fasting. Keeping a food composition in order to stay balanced and not excessive is also important.

When dawn, the type of intake should be a complete food menu levels are not excessive. Complete means that it contains the whole composition of the main types of food are complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, chicken or fish, milk or dairy products, and foods containing sugar and fat is good. At dawn, it is important to eat foods that are digested slowly by the body, such as foods rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates.

Fiber-rich foods will be absorbed slowly by the body. As a result, you will feel full longer. In addition, because slowly absorbed by the body, fibrous foods will easily pass through the gastrointestinal tract, thus preventing constipation. Another benefit of fiber-rich foods is to keep regular bowel movements regular. So also with a complex carbohydrate that helps the body release energy slowly during the fasting hours. In patients with type 2 diabetes, complex carbohydrates can help keep blood sugar after a meal. Can you get the complex carbohydrates from grains and seeds, such as rice, wheat, wheat flour, oats, barley, and legumes (soybeans, peanuts, red beans and green beans).

Hints about the types of food intake is also true for Iftar. However, do not immediately open your fast with heavy foods. Dates can be one of the early breaking of your choice comestible. It is also advisable to avoid processed foods, foods high in fat and high-sugar, carbs easily biodegradable as starchy, fried foods, and foods that are too salty for breaking the fast until dawn.

For fluid intake, drink 8-10 glasses of water ranging from iftar until dawn. Avoid caffeinated beverages such as tea and coffee because it can make you want to urinate frequently. When breaking, choice other than plain water is drinking fruit juice.


Make no mistake, you should keep your exercise routines to do during fasting because of the benefits that are important to the body, which helps keep the body fit, keeping the functions of the body system remains optimal, and maintaining the body's metabolic rate. However, it is important to remember, when fasting you can become dehydrated because the body continues to lose water and salt through urine, breath and sweat. When we exercise, the body can also further loss of fluids, ie one to two liters in an hour of exercise. Lack of fluid intake during exercise can also cause a person to become dehydrated.

To be exercising while fasting still give a good effect on the body, required careful planning, among others, maintain adequate intake and choosing the right sports. Light intensity exercise is a type of exercise that is recommended to be done during fasting.

This is because the light intensity exercise tends to use energy reserves in the muscles (glycogen) as the energy source of the body. While heavy intensity exercise can cause the body to use fat as a fuel in a long time period so that it can lead to ketosis. Excessive trigger ketosis accumulation of ketones in the event will result in dehydration of the body and impaired balance of chemicals in the blood. In addition, when glycogen is depleted, the body can also be forced to use muscle protein for energy. These are not good for the body.

Type light-intensity exercise that you can do while fasting may include walking, yoga, and tai chi. In fact, just the gardening and cleaning the house can also be performed. But you should first discuss with your doctor about what exercise is right for you to be practiced during the fasting month and when it is appropriate, especially if you have certain diseases or health conditions. If you feel dizzy when you exercise, immediately stop such activities.

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