How to avoid lack of nutrition when doing vegan diet

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By bert dell 2833 days ago

If done without rules, those who apply a vegetarian diet may be malnourished. Therefore, they need to know the important sources of nutrients that can be safely consumed.

Quoted from the book 'Vegetarian Diet a la Vegetarian' written by Drs Susianto, dr Hendry Widjaja, MARS and Helda Mailoa, SST Nutrition, the risk of nutritional deficiency can be overcome by eating a variety of food.

Some of the important elements that are feared are not met needs are protein, calcium, iron and vitamin B12. Basically, the four elements are mostly contained in meat, while meat is not consumed by vegetarians. Do not worry, there are other vegetable sources that vegetarians can consume.

1. Protein
To note, the daily protein needs can not be fulfilled by consuming only one type of source. Especially in those who are vegetarian, it would be much better to consume a variety of foods containing protein.

For vegans, protein needs can be satisfied with a mixture of proteins from whole grains. While for lacto-ovo vegetarians, protein needs can be met from eggs, nuts, dairy products and soybeans. In addition, it can also from cereals such as rice and corn with beans such as soybeans, beans and others.

2. Calcium
Mineral calcium is needed for healthy bones and teeth. Well, one source that can be used by vegetarians are green vegetables such as mustard greens, spinach, and broccoli. Calcium can also be obtained from tofu, seaweed (dried seaweed) and dried fruits.

3. Iron
Many people are worried about being pale and unhealthy when turning vegetarian. To meet iron needs, vegetarians can get iron from all green vegetables. Iron absorption itself can basically increase if there is vitamin C. Well, for vegetarians vitamin C can be obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables.

4. Vitamin B12
"Vitamin B12 is not contained in plant-based ingredients, so vegetarians must meet this demand from dairy products and eggs, and for vegans, vitamin B12 needs can be met from fortified foods with vitamin B12," the authors wrote.

Foods fortified are foods that have been inserted certain nutrients in small amounts, in contrast to supplements. The amount of nutrients added in accordance with the required body. Examples of foods fortified with vitamin B12 in cereals or cornflakes.

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