What you need to know about TLC diets

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By bert dell 2775 days ago

TLC diets (Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes) are usually performed to help lower bad cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The key to this type of diet is to reduce fat intake, especially saturated fat and get more fiber.

Clearly this TLC diet is designed to raise good cholesterol levels and not lose weight. But there are also studies that show a general low-fat diet can also help weight loss.

Experts say this diet is good for making heart healthy. This is because the diet emphasizes the fruits, vegetables and whole grains, but tends to be a bit saturated fat and salt. This method is good for keeping cholesterol and blood pressure normal, so the risk of heart problems decreases.

Until now there is no indication of the risk of serious side effects that may arise, and the diet of the TLC diet is safe for children and adolescents.

Steps taken in applying the TLC diet

Start by choosing calorie targets, then cutting your saturated fat intake to less than 7 percent per day which means reducing high fat milk, butter and fatty meats.

In this diet a person is also asked to consume lots of fruits, vegetables, grains, low fat or nonfat dairy products, fish and poultry such as skinless chicken.

Each day is recommended to consume no more than 5 ounces of meat, including skinless chicken or fish, drink 2-3 servings of low or nonfat milk, eat 4 servings of fruits, 3-5 servings of vegetables, and grains, pasta, cereals Or rice.

Fiber intake, especially in vegetables, nuts and seeds is a major source of encouragement to people on the TLC diet, mostly in the daily diet of 40-50 grams of fiber.

In the TLC diet the protein is consumed 15 percent of the daily protein calories (usually recommended 10-35 percent). Consumption of salt is also limited so as not to excess, consider the intake of potassium and calcium so that the muscles in the blood vessels can work well.

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