high intensity interval training the benefits for body

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By bert dell 2734 days ago

The benefits of high intensity interval training (HIIT) techniques in improving and improving cardiovascular function and its effectiveness burn fat is no doubt. But, many people think HIIT is so heavy that they avoid it.

In fact, HIIT practice can also be fun and fun because you can do it anywhere and almost without tools. Here are some awesome HIIT routines that burn fat!
Three-Movement HIIT Training
burn fat and build muscle by following this program

You can do cardio HIIT with a cardio equipment. The easy-to-follow exercises consist of three different moves, providing variations for excitement and intensity.

This circuit can increase the ability of the heart while exercising the abdominal muscles, cores, and calves. You only need 30 minutes to complete this exercise.
1. Treadmill Walk

    Speed ​​4 km / hour

2. Treadmill Walk
Image credit: bodybuilding.com
Image credit: bodybuilding.com

    Speed ​​4 km / h for 2 minutes, incline 6

3. Treadmill Run
Image credit: bodybuilding.com
Image credit: bodybuilding.com

    Speed ​​11 km / h for 2 minutes, incline 4

4. Treadmill Walk

    Speed ​​5 km / h for 1 minute, incline 0

5. Jump Rope

    200 rep

6. Sit-Up
Image credit: bodybuilding.com
Image credit: bodybuilding.com

    50-100 rep

Note: rest 1-2 minutes each round, complete the circuit 6 times.
Battle-Rope Workout

This exercise is very powerful to build stamina while improving explosive power. Do this exercise several times a week, and be prepared to see the difference in your body!

Before you start the exercise, make sure you do 5-6 minutes of warming up to prepare your body.
1. Burpee

    10 rep

2. Battle Rope

    100 rep by hand alternately

3. Overhead Battle Rope

    25 rep

Note: rest 1 minute each round, complete the circuit 6 times.
Total-Body Blast

Before you try any of these exercises, it helps you set up a timer so you can find out how far your practice session is.

For both exercises below, you will do every movement as hard as possible for 20-30 seconds, then break 10 seconds before continuing into the next movement.

Complete each circuit twice, rest 1 minute per circuit. Total training time ranges from 20-30 minutes, which forces you to keep moving all the time.