Venereal Disease Symptoms

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By Healthcare101 4521 days ago

Categories: health care

STDs are now more commonly known as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or sexually transmitted infection (STI) known. These diseases are highly contagious and spread through skin contact or fluid exchange with a healthy person. The vulnerability of developing sexually transmitted diseases increase with a rise in the number of sexual partners, increase the chances of such incidents as sexual encounters with people with a sexually transmitted disease. Venereal disease is an umbrella term for a variety of diseases that are transmitted as a result of the sexual act. Each disease has a specific set of symptoms. However, all people who are sexually active, you should know the most common symptoms of this disease, so that they can take in the situation, immediate action pearly penile papules.


Symptoms of STDs


Discharge: Unusual discharge from the penis or vagina is easily detectable symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases. Infectious genital discharge is usually thick and has an unpleasant odor. Genital discharge is common in most women. However, if there is a sudden change in the color or thickness of the discharge, it must be a symptom is venereal disease in women.


Pain: Pain due to a venereal disease can manifest itself in a number of ways. This may include painful urination or a constant pain or discomfort in the abdomen. Adopted in the event of a severe form of the disease, then sexual intercourse is also painful.


Sores or rashes on the skin: Although genitalia is the most common place where the skin breaks out in rashes, these STD symptoms in men and women can relate to other parts of the body as well. Sometimes sores on the genitals come and go at your own pace. However, it is best to have a doctor in the first instance of such an occurrence consult complacency could lead to more complications how to rid pearly penile tips .


Fever: Fever is something that occurs in a number of diseases and infections. Therefore, it should be treated as a sign of STD, if only one of the other symptoms discussed earlier occurs.


Common sexually transmitted diseases and symptoms


List of sexually transmitted diseases is long. However, here are some of the very common STDs and their symptoms:


Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS): HIV / AIDS is a relatively new STD that makes terror in the hearts of men. It is due to the fact that it is an unmitigated disaster is not curable yet found it. It is. Not by symptoms that are only on the genitals or affect a few institutions but HIV / AIDS weakens the immune system due to which a person is left defenseless a variety of diseases The first symptoms are short periods of fever with sore throat. Swollen glands in the neck, groin and armpits. As the infection spreads, an often cough, chills, fever, fatigue and gradual weight loss. However, the sexual means not the only way of contracting AIDS. Use of infected needles or transfusion of infected blood can also cause AIDS.


Chlamydia: This is a very common sexually transmitted disease, whose symptoms are visible only after the infection has reached an advanced stage. Both men and women experience pain during urination and sexual intercourse. Genital discharge is common. Although it is clear and watery in men, in women, the discharge is white and thick. Some men may also suffer from pain in the testicles to contracting chlamydia.


Genital herpes: Also known as genital herpes, is this STD a highly contagious disease caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). It affects the skin of the genitals and rectum. However, the infection can also spread to the neck. The first symptoms of genital herpes increases the sensitivity or a burning and painful sensation in the skin. Within a week, the skin in these places and red bubbles will appear filled with a clear liquid. In addition to this, women experience vaginal discharge and pain when urinating. In the case of lesions near the tip of the penis, men also have pain when urinating. These symptoms may also be accompanied by fever and swelling of lymph nodes in the groin.


Gonorrhea: Gonorrhea is caused by bacteria. Although the infection starts in the genitals in women and the urethra in men, it can spread to other parts of the body through blood stream. Effects on the reproductive system may give rise to problems associated with fertility. Gonorrhea symptoms in women are vaginal discharge, irritation of the outer area of the vagina, bleeding between periods and abdominal pain. Men experience blood in the urine, frequent urination, swelling of the glands in the groin and the head of the penis is red. Both men and women complain of a burning, stinging pain when urinating and yellowish genital discharge. Women can also be some blood in her dismissal.


Knowledge specific STDs symptoms is definitely an advantage. But this may not be possible for everyone. However, a full understanding of the common symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases is a must for all those who are sexually active, as this would enable them to get medical help at the earliest.