3 Day Diet Reviews

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By Healthcare101 4521 days ago

Categories: health care

The 3-day diet is one of the most popular diets in the world of health and fitness. You can by a lot of people swear by this diet have heard. However, like any advertising is usually presented only the brighter side always, and the pitfalls of each such diets are beautifully wrapped in a shiny exterior promising weight loss. Yes, the 3 day diet, popularly known as three-day tuna diet is a short term diet plan that in this oh-so-beautiful dress for the upcoming party, following this diet fit only for 3 days promise.


Diet Plan


The 3 day diet plan in that you can lose 10 pounds in three days after a certain menu. Not only does it promise quick weight loss, but also promises higher energy prices and low cholesterol levels, all the days in all three. In addition, you will not be asked to perform all exercises to support this diet. This diet is. Just three days at any given time, after which you can follow their normal diet for the rest of the week again Again, you can continue this diet after 4 days gap. Before we tell you what is in the diet, let's take a look at the menu, that you are expected to follow.


Day Meals Day 1 Day 2 Day 3



    1 glass of grapefruit juice

    1 cup of black tea / coffee (no sugar)

    1 piece toast with 1 tablespoon peanut butter




    1 piece of toast with 1 egg

    1 cup of black tea / coffee (no sugar)

    1/2 banana




    5 regular saltine crackers with 1 ounce cheddar cheese

    1 cup of black tea / coffee (no sugar)

    1 Apple




    1 slice of toast

    Tea / Black Coffee (no sugar added)

    Chicken / tuna, ½ cup




    1 cup cottage cheese / Tuna

    8 regular saltine crackers




    1 piece of toast

    1 egg

    1 cup of black tea / coffee (no sugar)




    Green beans and carrots, 1 cup

    Lean meat / chicken, 3 ounces

    1 Apple

    Vanilla Ice Cream, 1 cup




    1 cup broccoli / cabbage

    1/2 cup carrots

    2 Beef Franks

    1/2 banana

    1/2 cup Vanilla Ice Cream




    1 cup carrots

    1 cup of cauliflower

    1 cup tuna

    1 cup melon

    1/2 cup Vanilla Ice Cream



You may also have an unlimited non caloric beverages throughout the day, along with 4 cups of water.




If you ask a nutritionist, a health expert or a doctor, they will tell you that the results of the 3 day diet is definitely not desirable. Even if you have completed it and see for yourself to lose weight, there are some very important truths about this diet, you should know before you make it a part of your regular lifestyle.


    The total number of calories every day of the diet consumed less than 1000 calories. This is a drastic reduction in the normal amount of calories you consume in a day Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle.

    This diet lowers your metabolic rate dramatically, which means if you are your normal eating habits, you probably back on all the weight you lost resume.

    The weight loss on this diet is not fat but water content. Many of you may not be aware that the tea and coffee that you consume during the diet the body dehydrated. Moreover, the absence of carbohydrates in the diet reduced the water content in the body. As such, your body loses large amounts of water that you can lose weight fast.

    You will probably feel very weak, if you follow this diet plan as a result of the reduced daily caloric intake.

    Because you are so limited during this diet, you are probably eating too much, after you complete it.


As is the case with most diets, it is difficult to even be successful. This diet because of the numerous restrictions in the diet, you need to follow This means you are likely to feel dejected, depressed and let-down, the next only to your health. It is therefore ideal to follow a healthy diet with a good exercise routine, in order to reduce weight in a healthy manner.