Waterproof LED Lights Add To Your Special Event

When planning a special event, most people immediately consider the catering, florist and photographer. But, what about the lighting? An artfully-lit venue can add a new dimension of mood to the most important celebrations. Table and decor lighting at a special event, such as a wedding reception, should add to the scene, but not steal the scene. That's why so many event planners, brides, and others planning important celebrations choose Waterproof led lights. Unlike traditional tea lights, submersible led lights can be placed within the clear vases of flower arrangements, added to existing water features such as fountains and pools, and used to create unique decorative elements on the guest tables or in the reception area. Usingsubmersible tea lights is a great way to take advantage of unused space in a venue. Placing a low arrangement of flowers on a side table and lighting the clear glass container for the arrangement from within, with battery operated lights that can operate under water will create a welcoming area within the room and encourage guests to circulate. Specially designed Waterproof led lights are affordable as well and are available for about one dollar each. For those planning outdoor events that will stretch into the evening, it can be challenging to manage the lighting without overwhelming the space or resorting to brash flood lighting. Rather than shock guests with areas of blindingly bright light contrasted with areas abandoned to the dark, create transitional spaces. In transitional spaces between brightly lit and unlit areas of an outdoor evening venue Waterproof led lights, which can withstand moisture and even rain, provide ample light to navigate a maze of seating options, recognize familiar faces, and even pick favorite foods from a buffet table, and all without it seeming as though a spotlight is shining down. battery operated candles can be used individually or clustered for special lighting effects such as drawing attention to an area or indicating a path from one area to the next. Because they are waterproof, these led lights can be of great advantage to service staff as well. Secure a light to a tray so that server has a beacon to guide him or her through the crowd. A light on a service tray during cocktail hour can alert guests where to find the hors d'ourve as they are passed through the crowd.