Customized Fat Loss by Kyle Leon - Fat Burning Program

Kyle Leon Customized Fat Loss Program - Follow these steps in the next six weeks to increase the ability of your body to burn fat.

1. Reduce the crabs in half for four days

Eliminating carbohydrates from your last meal of your day;

2. Added two cardio workouts of 30-40 minutes per week;

3. Added a fat burner.

Further cut the crabs to one of your days with low carbohydrate consumption.

4.  Schedule just wake up early workout 40 minutes of moderate to high intensity cardiovascular exercise.

5. Make a cheat meal of 500-700 calories in one of the days with normal carbohydrates.

Add 50% more set in your workouts with weights.

6. Make a weekend break from the program and then start if needed.

When the intake of carbohydrates is reduced, the body turns to fat for energy. So to begin to excrete fat, cut crabs drastically and in this case in half, for four consecutive days while you keep your regular workout program. In this way not only reduce calories, but will help to control insulin, the hormone released by intake of carbohydrates, which can increase appetite.

The easiest way to implement this step is to halve the intake of carbohydrates in your meals. For example, instead of an entire bun, eat half, instead of a middle plate of spaghetti, eat a small plate. Eat only three quarters of a cup of rice instead of all that might normally consume. You will burn fat and your desire for food will also subside. To follow a low carbohydrate diet for a long time can fail for some, reducing lepton levels and slowing the metabolism,

So returned to your normal portions after four days; Carbohydrate intake in your diet again after this drastic reduction elevates levels of lepton when your metabolism. Furthermore, when the body comes from a brief diet low consumption, the key to manage to do your workouts with the type of intensity that you need to develop dynamite glycogen not only strengthens your training but acts as an anabolic stimulus allowing body maintain muscles even as you try to lose a few pounds and by pulling water in the muscles makes them fuller and longer.