World's Best Brass Hose Nozzle Gets Positive Feedback on Amazon

People with green thumbs and auto owners struggling to clean their vehicles with leaking hose nozzles will discover the World's Best Brass Hose Nozzle more than ample for their garden hoses and vehicles, customers suggest. The item in question is a set of two solid brass spray nozzles that are modifiable and marked for heavy duty use.

The item page on retail giant Amazon's website has, at the time of this article, received 22 testimonials. Of the testimonials, 21 clients have granted the item a full five stars with one consumer awarding the World's Best Brass Hose Nozzle with 4 stars. This gives the item a overall score of 5 from 5 stars, which is substantial in a market that is driven significantly by peer testimonials.

Clients who have been hassling for years with delicate plastic nozzles that break quickly are unanimously pleased to have discovered a nozzle that is solid brass instead of brass plated. A lot of them claim that the weight of the nozzle, which is distinctly heavier than other similar items in the market, is an indicator of their quality.

The item arrives with 6 hose washers. Clients comment favorably on the truth that the item is made from a single brass core. This makes it more long lasting than similar items with breakable plastic parts.

The customers are in unison over the convenience of adjustment that the nozzles provide across the whole array of water pressure. At maximum water pressure the nozzles have been discovered to provide a full blast stream when needed in addition to a gentle spray for watering flowers.

Another attribute of these brass nozzles that pleases clients is that it is made in the United States of America. This increases the reliability of the item immediately for those who have up until now been accustomed to foreign made and frequently unreliable plastic sprayers. The reliability of the item is boosted by the life-time guarantee provided by the sellers.

A garden hose nozzles review by a customer who has actually made use of the item to clean his chicken cage recommends that while the nozzle is heavy duty, its design permits convenience of use even by children and individuals with somewhat less than perfect health. Another consumer ran his truck over the nozzle before testing it for faults. He did not discover any faults or any warping of the water direction or water pressure after his test.

One consumer summarized it up well: "This simple brass nozzle design beats all by a mile, both in terms of usability and resilience. And amongst the couple of vendors from whom I've bought this sort of nozzle, this one truly seems to be the very best - really smooth action, good grip, just simply well made end-to-end."