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  • Bill McRay
  • Love the Mountains or after dark - Tips to Enjoying the Dark

Love the Mountains or after dark - Tips to Enjoying the Dark

Love the mountains? How about camping on a beautiful spot next to the fishing lake? The mountains are full of wonder and imagination. The luckiest people find themselves spending a lot of time in the mountains camping or just visiting for the day These people know how to enjoy their lives.

How about in or around the mountains? When in nature one can really enjoy the beauty of this grand area. Hiking in the summer is the norm, but some people enjoy something similar to hiking in the winter and that is snow shoeing.

There is great adventure hiking or snow shoeing at dusk using a High Uinta CREE Ultra Bright headlamp . Seeing the mountainside in the dusk weather it is in the heat of the summer or the dead of winter with snow covering everything is illuminated seeing the sights wearing your headlamp.

Take an early morning bike ride. Just before dawn when it is still dark with just a hint of sun peeking up over the east. This is definitely a time that having a bright light to shine ahead of you comes in handy.

Lite up the path to see the turns and twists of the road. Plus in the early morning brings up another concern other motorist seeing too. The High Uinta Ulta Bright headlamp with Zoom and Motion Sensor is perfect for this time of morning ride.

Ever thought about how convenient it would be to have your hands free when you are working on your car? Let's say you have all of your tools spread out and you need a direct light and a flashlight or a lantern just doesn't work because you need to hold onto them to direct the light where you want it.

Using a CREE LED headlamp for this would do the trick. A headlamp leaves your hands free to work on your car or any other household job that needs a direct light. Make sure you choose a lightweight one with a CREE LED light for the best all around head lamp.

Love the mountains? The mountains are full of wonder and imagination. The luckiest people find themselves spending a lot of time in the mountains camping or just visiting for the day These people know how to enjoy their lives.