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Finding The Recipes For Goodies Cooked With Protein Powder?

The good thing about my homemade protein bars is that you do not need to bake it to cook it. With this, you will not be required to have an oven of your own or be troubled about the size of your kitchen. Great thing is that you can be able to cook it while you are on a camping trip. I make use of protein powder when I cook homemade protein bars, muffins, pancakes and breads. By this, I can change a regular yummy high carbohydrates treats into a nutritious low carb snacks with high protein in it. On the other hand, you may be thinking if using protein powder can damage protein powder or if cooking with protein powder lessens the nutritional value of the recipe you’re preparing?

If I was the one asked, my answer will absolutely be “NO” and I know that there will be lots of information that can be seen regarding this topic.

There is a tendency of denaturing the protein whenever protein powder is used in cooking homemade protein bars. Nevertheless the term “denatures” refers to changing the physical or chemical structure of the protein not destroying or damaging any of its nutritional value. It is therefore safe to conclude that exactly the same amino acids are still contained in the denatured protein and the process of heating it doesn’t alter its nutritional benefits and components in the protein powder seen in the shake or perhaps non-baked homemade protein bar. This is simply because regardless if protein is heated their nutritional content or digestibility is held unchanged according to Cornell University in a specific page concerning the facts about milk.

To acquire a clearer view about precisely how denaturing is, let’s cook a raw egg as an example. We all know that eggs are very full of protein and that when they are placed on a heated pan, their appearance changes drastically; from that gooey transparent substance to a solid white colour. On the other hand, though they actually looked distinctive from the first appearance, still it is generally recognized that a cooked egg has the same nutritional benefit as a raw egg. Homemade protein bars are created from that principle.

It is important to bake your homemade protein bars under low fire to prevent the protein from getting damaged. Since one experience of creating a homemade protein bar over high heat resulted to a seemingly non-edible product. So, it works as a reminder to never overcook our protein based delicacies.

There's also some problems concerning the ability of the protein to be digested when they are put under the heat. Even though the protein in shake is simpler to digest, still, because of several properties found in shake like the fats and also carbs, the absorption of proteins will be lesser.

Now that you are aware of the distinction between getting the same amount of 20g proteins from a shake to that in a pancake, bar or cookie you ought to be now driven to create your own homemade protein bars.

The writer is fond of making food and delicacies with the use of protein powder. She also likes to share her ideas to a lot of people. She can surely help you make great, healthy food which the family can definitely take pleasure in and benefit from. Just pay a visit to her website to gain a lot more details concerning homemade protein bars.

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