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What are the best ways to make money?
If you answered, "a job", then you have been brainwashed like most Americans into believe that working for a company is the best way to make money. It is absolutely NOT one of the best ways to make money. Why not?
Most jobs have the following problems:
1. The time trap. You are trading your time for money. Even if you are a salaried employee, you are accepting a salary for a set number of hours that you will work each week. If you don't work, you don't get paid. Most companies want you to work the most amount of time for the least money and you want to work the least amount of time for the most money. The job game is a lose-lose game.
2. No passive income. If you stop working for any period of time, you stop receiving paychecks. Your money doesn't work for you.
3. No intellectual capital. If you are an employee, your company owns your intellectual capital. It's like your company owns your brain. You cannot sell or share your ideas and earn money.
4. No control. You have no control over your work life and therefore your life. You cannot choose where you work, when you work, or who you work with. Most companies require a lot of "face time". Even if you could get your work done in 4 hours each day, you usually need to spend 8-10 hours onsite to prove that you are a "loyal employee". You have no control over most of the decisions that are being made at your company. Bad decisions made by others could put your company out of business and then you get "downsized" or "rightsized" or simply laid-off.

ways to make money

ways to make money

Make Money