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Getting your property to show a great garden design doesn't have to be difficult, but it is not as easy as some people might think it to be. The key ingredient here is thorough planning. With the proper plans, all your dreams can come true all over your property.
However, it is essential to think toward the future and not only as how something will look when it is planted. All the items will grow eventually, some faster some slower. That's where many people run into problems with perennial gardens. The only way to do it correctly is to plan carefully. Different plants bloom at different times. A good idea is to research when specific plants bloom that way your garden does not look crowded in one month and bare in the next.
If planning is not existent, plants will become overcrowded. Other problems that gardeners will face are when they plan to invasive shrubs or flowers, it is possible that these will eventually encroach on others and take over. In the end, a disaster will be the result.
So, keep researching everything necessary with regards to what you bring to the design. Aside from the elements that are growing, there are textures, materials and colors to consider. One thing that many people forget about is lighting which is a very important part of it all.

garden designer brentwood

garden designer brentwood