Results for "Massage"


  • Aboriginal Uses for Tea tree

    Australian aboriginals were familiar with the terrain that they lived on. They understood that many plants and trees in their area, could be used for many different purposes. The tea tree is a large tree native to Australia. Native aboriginals identified many different species of the tea t...

    Tags: Massage, healing, love, partner, essential oil, tea tree, therapy, melaleuca, aborginal

    3465 days ago

  • A comprehensive look, exactly what makes Argan oil so powerful

    Lately Madonna claimed: "I cannot live without Moroccan Argan Oil." In a couple of brief years argan oil has skyrocketed to among the most treasured oils in the western world. Today if you stroll down the aisle of any sort of pharmacy, dozens of products now profess to contain argan oil, and also...

    Tags: Massage, healing, love, argan, essential oil, argon, therapy, hair, shampoo, WellnesScent

    3422 days ago